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GFPfinder Blue/Green LED GFP Flashlight

Published: 2022-01-25 20:51:12Views: 1124 times


Visualize your gel with the new GFPfinder LUYOR-3415RG Blue/Green LED Flashlight. It is equipped with the same Blue/Green LED technology used in the GFPfinder LUYOR-3415RG Blue/Green Transilluminator. The GFPfinder LUYOR-3415RG Blue/Green Flashlight has all the benefits from the LED light, such as harmless to your skin and to your DNA sample, as well as the signal intensity previously only seen on UV-light transilluminators.

GFPfinder LUYOR-3415RG Blue/Green GFP LED Flashlight

GFPfinder LUYOR-3415RG Blue/Green LED Flashlight for DNA/RNA visualisation in agarose gels.

Blue Green LED Technology

Visualize your gel with the new GFPfinder LUYOR-3415RG Blue/Green LED Flashlight. It is equipped with the same Blue/Green LED technology used in the GFPfinder LUYOR-3415RG Blue/Green Transilluminator. The GFPfinder LUYOR-3415RG Blue/Green GFP Flashlight has all the benefits from the LED light, such as harmless to your skin and to your DNA sample, as well as the signal intensity previously only seen on UV-light transilluminators.

GFPfinder LUYOR-3415RG Blue/Green LED Flashlight

Detect GFP-Transfections

Additionally, it is possible to detect GFP(Green Fluorescent Protein) expression without the use of the harmful UV-light. The light of the LEDs is able to ultrapass tissues enabling the detection of internally expressed GFP(Green Fluorescent Protein).

Easy detection of DNA bands while performing the electrophoresis

Save your precious time and detect if the desired DNA is present while the electroforesis is running. Why wait for whole run if you can see the results after a few minutes?

GFPfinder LUYOR-3415RG Blue/Green LED Flashlight

Excising DNA bands made easy

The gel documentation system or the transilluminator is blocked – again? And you only wanted to cut out the band? Another advanatge of using the flashlight: with the accessories cutting board and the stand  anyone can cut a gel anywhere!


Fluorescent proteins are frequently used in plant molecular biology as markers for transgenic events. These events  can be the consequence of stable or transient transformation of whole plants or plant organs. In this context it is desirable to monitor the success of the transformation in an effortless and noninvasive approach. It was show previously that illumination with blue light can visualize GFP expression in plants . Here we demonstrate that the GFPfinder LUYOR-3415RG Blue/Green LED Flashlight originally designed to visualize DNA in gels can be used to detect strong fluorescent signals originating from green and non-green plant tissues expressing yellow and green fluorescent protein.

Title: GFPfinder Blue/Green LED GFP Flashlight
Tags: Fluorescent Protein Excitation Lamp, Fluorescent Protein, Fluorescence Excitation Light Source,

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